Difference between red, white and rosé wine
The logical thought is that white, or green, grapes go to make white wine and red grapes go to make red wine, with Rosé being a mixture, but why is red wine a heavier drink?
When grapes are pressed, regardless of the grape colour, the juice will be either transparent or light green.
When producing white wines, all seeds and grape skins are separates after pressing, and only the juice is fermented. Generally, white grapes are used in white wines because their flavour complements this process, but there are many exceptions, such as Conde D’Ervideira Invisivel 2018.
Red wine is produced similarly to white except both the seeds and skins are left in the juice during the fermentation process, and it is the skins that give the wine its colour. This process also changes the wine’s flavour and texture, with thicker-skinned grapes producing a more decadent wine.
Rosé wine production is somewhere in the middle, as the grape skins remain with the wine juice for a few hours after crushing and after that removed. This process allows the wine to take on a pink colour and some of the flavouring from the grape skin.